Getting ready for the holidays mix for when your bathroom doubles as a music video set and your hairbrush is the microphone- for real! We got you! These are a few of our favorite holiday songs that get us in that “All I Want for Christmas” peppermint mocha mood!

If you’ve ever met us in person, visited our site, or tuned in for our Sunday’s IG LIVE then it’s no secret how much we LOVE the brand COMMODITY and in particular the fragrance, BOOK! Christmas came early for us folks, because now there’s a BOOK candle– just in time

What’s in Our Makeup Bag?
Hi Guys! Thank you all so much for joining us Sunday for our sixth on FEVEN & HELENA Instagram Live! We loved showing you our beauty routine and secrets all while wearing our favorite…robes of course! Side note: if Helena could live in a robe, she would. As promised, here

#COOKINGWITHFEVEN: Lemon & Arugula Spaghetti
Written by Feven. Thank you all who joined us on Sunday’s Instagram Live for the 5th segment of #homewithfevenandhelena. The truth is…I’m nervous as heck cooking on Instagram Live…but I’m learning (with your support) that I can conquer this “fear” one episode at a time. On Sunday’s #homewithefevenandhelena I showed

REGRAM & WIN our “RESILIENCE” hoodie for you & your best friend! 1. REGRAM this photo on our Instagram account with the following hashtag #fevenandhelena 2. Tag your best friend and follow @fevenandhelena 3. Tell us what resilience means to you! 4. Enter as many times as you like! — *Competition

Hey Guys! New apparel from us to you! See more below & shop the looks here! 1) HABESHA GIRLS GOT THE SAUCE CROP TOP 2) HABESHA GIRLS GOT THE SAUCE (T-SHIRT) 3) “RESILIENCE CROP TOP HOODIE“ 4) “RESILIENCE HOODIE“ xoxo, Feven & Helena #twinship p.s. habehsa girls got the sauce with a hint