Feven & Helena

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Wisdom Wednesday: 7 Lessons To Keep Going

2 Cents, Beauty

This is an image of our first 2•4•1 Cosmetics deck. We did our best to design a chic deck with real substance, but the truth is, for us, spreadsheets and decks did not inspire heart or courage. To be on the front line, on the field, to have experience is how we learn. 

So we traded in the time we spent presenting the deck to possible investors, to saving our own money, and actually execute the vision!

In honor of that first deck we rarely share, we’d like to share some lessons we’ve learned and we are still learning in the process:

1. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Write it all out, but don’t let the idea just live on paper or a screen. Good ideas always comes down to execution! 

2. Reality is bendable, so don’t wait for permission. Know we have the power to influence even if you don’t immediately see the results. 

3. Perfect is the enemy of the good. Don’t over think and don’t let perfection hold you back. 

4. The route may change but the mission stays the same. At one point we felt like we were following a crazy brick road, but where we ended up was surprisingly where we needed to be. 

5. Stay in a place of gratitude. All atoms in our body emit wavelength, frequency! You get what you give in life, so be magnetic and attract good. 

6. Move! Go on a run, go on a walk or whatever, just move when you don’t feel connected to life. 

7. Mindset is paramount to growth! Try not to look at choices as sacrifices, but rather look at them as delayed gratification. Think long game always. 

We know that eventually we’ll need to raise money to scale, but we are grateful for this resourceful period as we build our coat of courage.

And we hope wherever you are on this journey, these lessons are helpful to you. Either way, we send you love, fire & grit! 

In solidarity, 

Feven & Helena 

2•4•1 HQ 2019

About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


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Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

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