Feven & Helena

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TWINSHIP — New Summer Lipstick

Beauty, Fashion, Uncategorized

We read somewhere that “on a bad day there is always lipstick,” well, add a glass of wine and that is pretty much the twinship secret remedy! It has been one of those summers.

In honor of the entrepreneur hustle, we wanted to do something that would cheer us up. So instead of going cray cray, we bought a new lipstick…Neon Orange by MAC. It’s bright and hip and it looks good with our everyday eye shadow and bold liner! Plus, the color feels very J.LO-esque!

What do you think?


Feven & Helena #twinship

P.S. What do you do on a bad day?

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About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


Post Tags :

Beauty, Bombshell, Eritrea, Eritrean twins, Ethiopia, Feven, Feven & Helena, Feven and Helena, Feven and Helena Yohannes, Feven Yohannes, Helena, Helena Yohannes, Home, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, MAC Makeup, twinship, twinship bombshell

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

30 thoughts on “TWINSHIP — New Summer Lipstick”

  1. Reblogged this on colorstrutting and commented:
    I thought that this was such a cute idea! Buying lipstick on a bad day is a pretty cool idea and this color looks great! I have always been a fan of darker shaded lipsticks but this surely makes me reconsider my choices! Thanks twinship!!

  2. Love that colour on you both! Seriously, is there anything you can’t rock? On a bad day I’m all about the chick flick and the cookie dough. Killer combo.

  3. Very pretty color. I’m not a makeup guru so this look is more appealing to my eye because it’s so complimenting to your skin tone. You guys have a natural flow which is accentuated by the color, perfect …brilliant! #stylesbysteffany

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