Feven & Helena

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Our Signature Scent


Book by Commodity

As twins we are constantly preserving our indivisuality – if we like the same thing –  we’d rather buy it in a differnt print or color than purchase the exact same item. But, one thing we do share is our love for all things Commodity and in particular the fragrance we can’t live without: “Book“.

Created by perfumer Ketrin Leka, the scent was inspired by the great American novelist Hemingway and Fitzgerald. The alluring fragerence has hints of sandalwood and eucalyptus and is genderless.

How it makes us feel…

We don’t know if it’s the name “Book” but the scent gives us a, “I graduated summa cum laude  kind of confidence! Granted we know it takes more than spraying yourself with “Book” to achieve such honors, as one actually needs to study several books, but it really is a smart fragrance that leaves a lasting impression.  And as they say: scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.

So what’s your signature scent?  And if you have any tips on how to make your fragrance last longer – please let us know! We read somewhere that applying oils before spraying your perfume helps.


Feven & Helena #twinship

Book with Books

p.s. this is not an #ad, just more of our twinship 2 cents.

About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


Post Tags :

Africa, Bombshell, book by commodity, commodity, Feven & Helena, Feven and Helena, Helena, Helena Yohannes

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

8 thoughts on “Our Signature Scent”

  1. So witty 🙂 Love this scent as well. I love applying at the pulse points, wrists, neck, back of knees… I always carry a roller sized of my favorite perfume with me too in my hand bag (Chloe) Great pictures!

  2. If you spray fragrance on your abdomen (which tends to generate the most heat) you body uses the fragrance as a fan and you get a lasting scent. Behind the knees and lower back are also great points to spray the fragrance.

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