Feven & Helena

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Rooms Worth Living For


When we were little girls our father noticed that we enjoyed drawing homes and anything that was creative, so he decided to foster that talent by assigning us to design our family living room. We were only 10 years old at the time — but our father was confident in our decor selections and in turn made us confident in our decisions.

We started with helping him pick out the sofa, the textile was an off white poly/silk blend with faint roses and with a fringe skirt. It looked like something you would find in the Oval Office at the White House. Though this design aesthetic didn’t fit our 10-year-old-style, we knew then that our father and mother wanted something a bit more conservative and regal.

Next, the widow treatments. We chose a burgundy fabric — not particularly because we liked that color — but because our mother loved that color and because our father had a burgundy Toyata Camry that parked in our driveway, a clear shot from the living room. You see, we wanted the house to connect with their personal brand.

We know it sounds odd, right? But truly the key to a good design is to listen to your client (in this case our parents) and to always connect your home to your personal brand, your lifestyle. We believe your home should say who you are without you having to say anything at all.

What does your home say about you? Does it say you’re a world traveler? A minimalist? A romantic? Someone who is bold or daring?

Our parents have since remodeled their living room (which we helped them with), but the lessons we learned about design still relates to our philosophies today.

For your #MondayMotivation we leave you with some living room inspiration from our favorite pinterest board.


Feven & Helena

About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


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Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

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