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Twinship 2 Cents — Liquid Eyeliner

2 Cents, Beauty, Fashion, Photos

Feven (left) and Helena (right)

With all the real stuff that’s happening in the world, we interrupt this important broadcast to talk about…LIQUID EYELINER.

We know these images look like the perfect LinkedIn profile picture, but they’re not — but they could be! Truth is we got back home after a long day of work and we were both equally impressed that our liquid eyeliner stayed on all day! We guess you can call it a ‘good eyeliner day,’  so naturally we snapped some pics! Yes, we know it’s vacuous (see how we used a ‘big word’ to prove that we’re more than meets the eye…liner), with that said, here’s our “twinship 2 cents” on how to keep your eyes and your eyeliner looking fresh!

1st cent: Pack on that eyeshadow, bombshell! Tip — if you want your eyeshadow to stay on longer — use your under eye concealer as a base. Trust us — it works!

2nd cent: MAC Fluidline Eyeliner Gel in Black Track! This is KEY to getting your liquid eyeliner to stay on for hours. To get that perfect cat eye (like Helena is rockin’) or the thick black  (like Feven is rockin’) make sure to use MAC 266 small angled brush. After gel linear is applied, line over with liquid eyeliner.

So there it is…our twinship 2 cents! You can read more about our fav beauty products here and here.

Do you think we should do a video tutorial?

Feven is rockin' a thick eyeliner Feven is rockin’ thick eyeliner
Helena is rockin' a slight cat eye Helena is rockin’ a slight cat eye


Feven & Helena #twinship

P.S. Here are some lovely liquid lids we love!

via FevenandHelena Pinterest! via FevenandHelena Pinterest!

About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


Post Tags :

Africa, Beauty, Bombshell, Eritrea, Eritrean sisters, Eritrean twins, Ethiopia, eyeliner, eyeshadow, fashion, Feven, Feven & Helena, Feven and Helena, Feven and Helena Yohannes, LinkedIn, MAC Makeup, Make-up Art Cosmetics, makeup on black woman, sisters, twin, twins, twinship bombshell, twinships

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

21 thoughts on “Twinship 2 Cents — Liquid Eyeliner”

  1. I love these makeup posts~ And also your vintage-inspired looks are sooo gorgeous I’d love to see more of both 🙂

  2. By the way, do you guys have a tumblr? If not, you should totally consider getting one, I’m pretty sure you guys would get pretty popular pretty quickly 🙂

  3. I vote for a video tutorial. The Twinship’s eyeliner always looks perfect! Share your secrets with us!! Xoxo

  4. I adore tutorials and I adore liquid eyeliner. My problem is sometimes during the day it leaves a crease mark of eyeliner on my upper lid. I hate that and still don’t know hot to avoid it. I will try your tips of using the under eye concealer as a base and use eye shadow with it. I may have to use nude eye
    shadow bc I love the simple liquid eyeliner look with bold red lipstick.

  5. Sounds as if the bombshells have spoken and you will have a tutorial =) I am looking forward to it. I swear by MAC liquid eye liner w/ the angel brush also. THEE BEST!!

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