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Inside The Twinship Beauty Bar

Beauty, Fashion, Photos

YSL | Nude In Private, SMASH BOX | Photo Finish, Benefit | Bad Girl Mascara
YSL | Nude In Private, SMASH BOX | Photo Finish, Benefit | Bad Girl Mascara| Photo Credit: The Twinship

Chipped nails? Twinship beauty bar. Need something to make your eyes pop?  Twinship beauty bar. Looking for that perfect nude lipstick that won’t make your lips feel dry? Twinship beauty bar. Does this sound like a Maybelline commercial to you? Yes. And, maybe she is born with it…or maybe she just stopped by The Twinship beauty bar.

Here are some photos we snapped of our fav summer must haves! #twinshipapproved for the inner bombshell in you!


Feven & Helena #twinship

RGB | Pansy, Essie | Lolipop, Siche Vite | Top Coat
RGB | Pansy ($18.00) , Essie | Lollipop ($8.00) , Seche Vite | Top Coat ($9.49) Photo Credit: The Twinship
Chanel | Chance | Mademoiselle
Chanel | Chance  ($90.00) | Chanel | Mademoiselle ($115.00) Photo Credit: The Twinship
Essie | Knockout Pout, Siche Vite | Top Coat, Essie | Lolipop, SMASH BOX | Photo Finish, YSL | Nude In Private,  Bad Girl Mascara
Essie | Knockout Pout ($8.00), Seche Vite | Top Coat ($9.49), Essie | Lollipop ($8.00) , SMASH BOX | Photo Finish ($36.00), YSL | Nude In Private ($34.00), Benefit|Bad Girl Mascara ($19.00) Photo Credit: The Twinship
Rosa Mira  Organics | Skin Care, Uncle Pete's Bees Lip Lube
Rosa Mira Organics | Skin Care (pricing varies per product), Uncle Pete’s Bees Lip Lube ($4.00) Photo Credit: The Twinship

About Us

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience.


Post Tags :

Beauty, Benefit, Bombshell, Chanel, Eritrea, Eritrean sisters, Eritrean twins, Essie, Feven, Feven & Helena, Feven and Helena, Feven and Helena Yohannes, Feven Yohannes, Helena, Helena Yohannes, Los Angeles, Maybelline, RGH, Rosa Mira, Seche Vite, Sephora, SmashBox, twin, twinship, YSL

Our beauty philosophy is deeply rooted in our earliest memories as political refugees from Eritrea. Beauty to us is grace and resilience. As twin sisters, we share everything including our love for makeup and in particular eyeliner! We will never forget our teenage years as cashiers in high school saving up enough money to buy our favorite beauty brands.

12 thoughts on “Inside The Twinship Beauty Bar”

  1. Ok, so my initial conversation about this topic with one half of the Twinship (Helena) today had me debating between bronzer and lipstick, based on the scenario that I could leave my house and face the general public with at least one or the other. Upon deeper reflection (and closer inspection of your full post), I’ve decided that the one beauty product I can’t live without is Essie nail polish in Up’s (best red ever). Why? Because maybe I don’t need to leave my house…but I can still entertain friends at my home with a good mani/pedi. I can always fall back on a natural look with no make up but I’d look pretty stupid with a full face of make up while wearing gloves and socks in LA in the summertime.

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